Escudo de la República de Colombia

Neuraltherapeutic medicine: An approach based on complex medical systems

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Portada Neuraltherapeutic medicine

Editores: Eduardo H. Beltrán Dussán y Julieth A. Vega Oviedo

Colección: General

Editorial: Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Formato: E Book

Año de Edición: 2015

eISBN: 978-958-775-462-9

COP $43.000

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Información de la obra

Since the day that Walter and Ferdinand Huneke discovered, in 1925, during their investigations, that procaine led to the disappearance of different pathological states (in addition to its anesthetic properties), much curiosity and many question marks have arisen in relation to the explanation of this phenomenon. However, to date, all the answers are still not known, stimulating further research in the field. The excellent results obtained from the application of procaine to the diverse pathologies of many patients in various countries around the world, leading even to the resolution of these problems, has stimulated reflection around the foundations that could support the mechanisms of action of the treatment that, until now, has been called neural therapy. Now there is greater clarity and scientific support has been found ?based on theoretical hypotheses and practical investigations? that has permitted the construction of a concept based on what today has earned the right to be called neuraltherapeutic medicine (ntm). As a point of reference, it relies on ideas through which the different medical fields have been able to formulate the concept of ?complex medical systems?. Support for neuraltherapeutic medicine can be found in the work of researchers such as Pavlov, Speransky, and many other globally recognized personalities. Our knowledge of, and advances in, quantum physics, biocybernetics, mathematics, chaos theory, and systems theory ?as well as modern investigations in the field of neurology? have given us greater clarity about neuraltherapeutic medicine's mechanisms of action. With these findings, an academic dialogue within the paradigmatic conceptions of neuraltherapeutic medicine becomes easier.


Eduardo Humberto Beltrán Dussán

Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Pediatría y Oncohematología Pediátrica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Terapéuticas Alternativas y Farmacología Vegetal, Universidad Juan N. Corpas. Magíster en Medicina Alternativa Área Terapia Neural, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Profesor asociado de la Facultad de Medicina, coordinador División de Oncohematología Pediátrica. Coordinador de Grupo Académico y de la Maestría en Medicina Alternativa de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Julieth Amparo Vega Oviedo

Médica, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. Magíster en Medicina Alternativa Área Homeopatía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Editora de publicaciones de la Maestría en Medicina Alternativa de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ha contribuido en la realización de las obras como: La medicina alternativa: una visión desde los sistemas médicos complejos (2011) y la Medicina Tradicional China: un abordaje desde los sistemas médicos complejos (2013)

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