Escudo de la República de Colombia

IR a Vicedecanatura de Investigación y Extensión




Grupo de Investigación Equidad en salud

Edificio 471, Segundo Piso
Facultad de Medicina
Carrera 30 No. 45-03
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá D.C. Colombia
PBX: (57)(1) 3165000 ext. 15119


Grupos de investigación

Banner Investigación Red intersectorial soacha 

El proyecto se encuentra afiliado a grupos de investigación reconocidos por Colciencias. Entre ellos:


Grupo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá con trayectoria de 10 años reconocido por Colciencias con clasificación A1 y miembro de la International Society for Equity in Health. Actualmente se enfoca en actividades relacionadas con la equidad e inequidad en salud a partir de la relación de determinantes sociales, de género, raza, etnia, entre otros.

Líneas de actuación:

  • Equidad e inequidad en salud
  • Estudios costo-equidad
  • Sistemas de salud
  • Determinantes de la salud y sociales de la salud

Director: Dr. Javier Eslava Schmalbach 

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Grupo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá con más de 13 años de trayectoria reconocido por Colciencias con clasificación A. Actualmente se enfoca en actividades relacionadas con la Violencia general y particular.

Dentro de sus líneas de investigación se encuentran:

  • Conflicto armado y salud
  • Homicidios y suicidios
  • Otras formas de violencia y salud
  • Violencia de género y familiar

Directora: Dra. Zulma Consuelo Urrego Mendoza

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Grupo de la Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiología y Reanimación (S.C.A.R.E.) reconocido por Colciencias con clasificación C con asocio directo con el Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico (C.D.T.) de la S.C.A.R.E. Actualmente se enfoca en actividades relacionadas con las capacidades no técnicas de los profesionales de la salud, el conocimiento basado en la evidencia y la implementación de manuelas de práctica clínica basados en la evidencia. 

Director: Dra. Luz María Gómez 

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We aim to contribute to the promotion of population health and wellbeing, the enhancement of functional performance at all levels, as well as to improve the quality and efficiency of the health services. We pursue this agenda with a variety of partners at local, regional, national and international levels.

A fair and vibrant society Research Group

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Physical Culture, Sport and Health Research Group

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Contamos con el apoyo de las siguientes instituciones en la comunidad:

Unidad para las Víctimas

  • Centro Regional
  • Municipio de Soacha
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Secretaría de Salud



The project is affiliated with research groups recognized by Colciencias. Among them:


Research group of the National University of Colombia with a track record of almost 10 years, classified as A1 by Colciencias, and is a member of the International Society for Equity in Health. This research group focuses mainly on issues related to equity in the health field, seeking to estimate inequities in both the national and international spheres, analysing its relationship to aspects such as social determinants, gender, race and ethnicity.

The group aims to promote the development of research around equity in health, generating a conceptual and methodological development that facilitates the understanding and measurement of inequities, which is of great importance for this study.

Led by Dr. Javier Eslava Schmalbach

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Research group of the National University of Colombia, with a background of 13 years and is classified A by Colciencias. This research group is focused on studying, researching, teaching, publication and dissemination of conceptual and methodological aspects of violence in general and of different types of specific violence. It comprises four areas of research: armed conflict and health; homicides and suicides; other forms of violence and health; and gender and family violence.

Led by Dra. Zulma Urrego Consuelo Mendoza.

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The Quality, Safety and Education in Health Research Group is part of the Colombian Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (S.C.A.R.E.), currently classified as B under the measurement model of Colciencias research groups. The Research and Innovation area of this entity has contributed to the growth of the research group through the support of defined projects in one of the four lines of work of the group: anaesthesia; quality and safety of the patient in health care; education and health for health professionals; and legal medical responsibility.

Led by Dra. Luz Maria Gomez.

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Prof. David Galbreath is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences and Professor of International Security. He is also the Conflict Theme Leadership Fellow for the Research Councils UK Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security (PaCCS). He is director for the Centre for War and Technology and Associate Editor of the European Journal of International Security. Prof. Galbreath’s research focuses on conflict and war as a factor of changing technological and philosophical contexts, with a particular focus on how evolving technologies shape the way we think about war and peace. His research has focused on paramilitaries, peace negotiations, alliances, national defence policy and military operations. His research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council. His most recent book is the Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies, co-edited with John Deni (US Army War College).

Dr Nikki Coghill is an Assistant Professor in Evidence Based Practice in Health. She teaches on a Professional Doctorate in Health focusing on evidence-based practice and health inequalities. Dr Coghill’s research focuses on evidence-based practice and the utility and translation of this into the real world. Her research includes designing, implementing, conducting and evaluating projects aimed at addressing inequalities in health, particularly complex interventions and those using a community development approach. Her research has been funded by Public Health England, the National Institute for Health Research and local public health departments. She has a professional background in public health, informed by her 24-year career working in public health and primary care.

Sarah Halligan is Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Bath. Prof Halligan’s research examines the development of psychological disorders, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, with a focus on young people. In the PTSD field, Prof. Halligan has examined the cognitive-behavioural, biological and social factors that contribute to disorder following trauma exposure; and has studied both national and international populations. She has a particular interest in understanding how psychosocial factors may shape mental health outcomes in young people exposed to adversity. Prof. Halligan’s research has been funded by the ESRC, MRC, British Academy, Nuffield Foundation, NIHR, Wellcome Trust, and the Royal Society.

A fair and vibrant society Research Group

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Physical Culture, Sport and Health Research Group

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We have the support of the following institutions in the community:

Unit for Victims

  • Regional center
  • Municipality of Soacha
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Health Secretary

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